Autor de canciones como “Caminos de Guanajuato”, “El Jinete”, “Ella”, “El Rey”, “No volveré” y “Si nos dejan”, que son ampliamente conocidas por el público mexicano, emigró a la ciudad de México siendo un niño, para una vez ahí, dedicarse a una serie de oficios, que fueron desde carpintero hasta futbolista.Ī fines de la década de 1940, fue descubierto por Andrés Huesca, que le permitió grabar sus primeras canciones, lo que lo llevó a presentarse en las emisoras XEW y XEX, con lo que comenzó su fama y fortuna. This historical marker is in Dolores Hidalgo Guanajuato MexicoĮste monumento alberga la tumba del más famoso de los musicos vernáculos mexicanos: José Alfredo Jiménez, quien nació aquí en Dolores Hidalgo un 19 de enero de 1926. Next to it is a sarape with multicolored ceramic pieces that show the crafts of Dolores Hidalgo, which provide a framework context to the song titles of José Alfredo., The house where the composer was born was turned into a museum, in which, since is opening in 2008, visitors come here to learn about the intimate aspects of this famous Guanajuato’s musician.

The mausoleum consists of a huge sombrero with a cauldron with the phrase “Life is worth nothing,” which is one of the most famous statements of the musiciuam, who immortalized it in his song “Caminos de Guanajuato”. This was designed by the architect Javier Senosiain, Paloma Jiménez Gálvez’s husband, daughter of José Alfredo. He died on November 23th, 1973 at the age of forty-seven., Twenty five years later, the people of Dolores Hidalgo created a monument in memory of the composer. Since then the songs of the composer have been sung by performers such as Lola Beltrán, Pedro Infante, Jorge Negrete, Plácido Domingo, Miguel Aceves Mejía, Luis Aguilar, Javier Solís, Vicente Fernández, Chavela Vargas, Joaquín Sabina, Lucha Villa, among many others. Here, is where his fame and fortune began. He arrived to Mexico City as a child, and once there, he engaged in a series of activities, which went from carpenter up to soccer., By the ending of 1940, he was spotted by Andrés Huesca, which supported him to record his first songs, which led him to perform in the XEW and XEX radio stations.

Songwrite of melodies such as “Caminos de Guanajuato”, “El Jinete”, “Ella”, “El Rey”, “No volveré” and “Si nos dejan”, which are widely known in Mexico. English:, José Alfredo Jiménez Mausoleum, This monument houses the tomb of one of the most famous vernacular musicians of Mexico: José Alfredo Jiménez, who was born here in Dolores Hidalgo on January 19th, 1926.