Locate and expand Another device in the right panel.Right-click on the computer on the desktop or in Windows Explorer and select Manage.To install the LG ADB Drivers in Windows 7 for the first time, do the following: Click on the Driver tab, click on Update Driver, and follow the instructions.Double-click on the device category and double-click on the desired device.In the search box, type and click Device Manager.With the mouse: Point the lower right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer up and click Search.Touch screen: on your computer, drag it from the right end of the screen and touch Search.Connect the LG Android smartphone to the USB port of the computer.To install the LG ADB Drivers in Windows 8.1 for the first time, do the following: Installing LG ADB Drivers for Windows 8.1 For example, the Google ADB driver is in android_sdk \ extras \ google \ usb_driver \. Click Browse and navigate to the ADB driver folder.In the Hardware Update Wizard, select Search my computer for the driver software and then click Next.Right-click on the name of the connected device and select Update Driver.In the right pane of Device Manager, locate and expand portable devices or other devices, depending on what you see.In the left pane of the Computer Management menu, select Device Manager.Connect your LG Android smartphone to the USB port of your computer.

To install the LG ADB Drivers in Windows 10 for the first time, do the following: LG ADB Drivers Installation Instructions for Windows 10, 8, 7 Installing LG ADB Drivers for Windows 10 LG PC Suite Software is compatible with different versions of Windows. LG ADB Drivers for Windows 10, 8, 7 Download LG ADB Drivers OS Compatibility And, you can also downgrade or upgrade android firmware using Official LG USB drivers. Before that, firstly, you must enable USB debugging on the device to be recognized on the PC after installing the appropriate ADB drivers for LG.

With the LG ADB driver installed on a PC, users have the ability to use 3G / 4G mobile data with a computer to surf the Internet through the Official LG PC Suite.